Saturday, 23 April 2016


.........•••••the Builders message •••••..........

The world is overcrowded today; Destinies, aspirations and dreams are being overshadowed. The world now belongs to they that know who they are and what they ought to do. Believe you me, "YOU ARE A VESSEL". So my question is, " who USES YOU?"
You can't afford to experiment with your life now; choose this day who you will SERVE...!! Do not be blindfolded by the systems of this world; know more, ask more, but most importantly do more of what you know MUST be done. I emphatically Say again, the world is overcrowded. BUT GUESS WHAT, 👉🏽 YOU ALONE HAVE THE CHOICE TO BE OVERSHADOWED by the crowd or to STAND-UP and STAND FIRM FOR WHO YOU REALLY ARE.....- the Builder

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..........•••••••the Builders message ••••••••..........
             ON YOUR KNEES
When was the last time you ever bent down on your knees? Was it to God or to man? Let's be REAL;
•I know we go down on our knees to propose to our loved ones of the opposite sex.
•I know we do go own on our knees sometimes just to encourage our parents to go the extra mile in providing us with our needs. We say this ACT shows LOVE, RESPECT, HUMILITY, GENUINENESS...
       But, when was the last time you went down on your knees to God? When was the last time you showed Genuine love to God? When was the last time you told God you really appreciate all that he's done for you? When was the last time you accorded God the respect due to HIM both in your words and actions?
       •I also know PRIDE is the order of the day; pride is now like a cloth that we wear, seen on most people in everything they do. What of 👉🏽you? Where are we headed to in LIFE?

PAUSE, TAKE A WHILE, THINK ABOUT YOUR LIFE, THINK ABOUT GOD and WORSHIP HIM. just remember, the way up is down; humility is the key to UPLIFTING IN LIFE...-the Builder
⭕Script. Ref: Matthew 18 (the kingdom of God is for those with the heart of a 5yr old child)

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