Thursday, 30 June 2016


I must say that there has been and there still is a vast number of contribution from various intellectuals on this discourse of self discovery. We are now living in an era where people, organizations, institutions, and everyone everywhere is seeking to progress in life to the next level. I believe many people have concluded within themselves that, " if I want to move on in life,I have to know and do something new I never did before ".  Same as companies; they would say, " to expand our business and progress, we need to know new things, employ new skills, and do new things to attract our customers ". Basically, almost everyone now is searching for his/herself, to identify what things he/she can do to change his/her current status in life. Always remember folks, that a change initiated at one place or one part of the world (be it a village or a city) is a global change. Hence,everyone has a gift to activate and a role to play in changing and reshaping the world wherever we find  ourselves. Self discovery is a global need; in as much as you need what you have, the world also needs it to be a better place.
       However, the problem is not with the progression. But with the DISCOVERING  process. Many are those who have tried to give a pathway that leads to this discovery and have achieved little or none. Aristotle, once said," the knowledge of self is the source of all wisdom ". How valid is this submission?
Do you know yourself? Does the knowledge of yourself imbue you with all other knowledge you seek in this world? Then why keep learning even after discovering your abilities and capabilities? Well, there might be some truth in that; the knowledge of self is a key to self discovery. But Bertrand Russell, a great British writer and philosopher, once submitted that " unless we assume God, the reason for living or doing any other thing pertaining to life is meaningless ". Wow! What an admonishment! What he said clearly synchronizes with the declaration from the Holy Bible that, " where there is no VISION, the people PERISH "..-(Proverbs 29:18). This clearly proves that, for there to be a a growth, success, progress, stability, peace and development in your personal life, family, business, or nation, there must be a VISION emanating from your self discovery. So what am I driving at? There can never be a genuine self discovery without God. If you are an atheist, I am sorry but it is the truth. You need to believe it in order to live it. Some folks end up  majoring in the minor things of their life simply because they did not know who they were and why they existed; so they would rather work for money than for their self accomplishment which comes from exhibiting their real potentials which might have nothing to do with money but rather impacting and improving lives.

     Have you ever wondered why the world is so much messed up today?
It is simply because the world have witnessed the risen of some leaders who do not even know who they are and what their purpose or function is, so they are just being manipulated here and there to compromise the future of their Nations. I might sound controversial over here but I believe what am about to say is 100% true based on past records of the world. Everyone alive today, all the humans on planet earth and those gone to outer space,those in the villages and those in the cities, the rich and the poor, the white and the black, the fool and the wise, all have a purpose and function in life. A God given function for which they(including you and I) exist. This can be clearly seen from Genesis 1:26 in the Holy Bible. There are some peculiar tasks we need to perform on earth that made our existence a NECESSITY. The principle is, when you are ignorant of something, you become vulnerable to it. Know yourself and be imbued with unlimited self control.

     NOW, establishing the fact that we are made for a specific and special task in this world as well as in the life of others, the next question is "how do we discover it, and how do we manifest it?"

Expect the PART 2 of self discovery, and let's explore the real you for a meaningful living...

  FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
  Inst: the_Builder
   Twitter: the Builder

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Mental conditioning

THE TRUE AFRICAN, mental conditioning. -the Builder
Considering the current state of affairs of the human empires right now, it is only the renewal of minds towards the acceptance of the truth, that can pave a way for a TOTAL, GENUINE transformation. We don't have to 'sacrifice' this generation for a brighter future, we only need to 'SANCTIFY' their THOUGHTS with the truth. Yes! We need a PARADIGM SHIFT IN THINKING to cause a directional change in our attitudes as Africans and as KINGDOM CITIZENS..- Builder

You can either choose to dream big and think big, or refuse to think big and remain where you have invariably, unwillingly but, practically accepted to be. The TRUTH is; you were born uniquely for a purpose, and that purpose is not limited to your family nor your community, it is a global purpose that comes in phases. All you need to do is to take each step at a time, identify all the opportunities and walk your way through it with Christ as your authority. Read the WORD and know who YOU REALLY ARE before you take a step.

#We need a change of mind in the right direction
#we need a change in attitude in the right direction

"The empires of the future are all the empires of the mind" -Sir Winston Churchill..

What do you think of everyday? Is it the new movie/music you are expecting? Are you sure you are not wasting away your thoughts? ?

   We need brains and minds that are ready for CHANGE;
A change in your family, A change in your society
A change in your nation, a change in AFRICA, and a CHANGE IN THE WORLD...Only he that believeth, shall it be possible to......- the Builder

           FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
           INST.: The_Builder

Friday, 24 June 2016

The Kingdom of God (Ephesians 4)

THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Ephesians 4)
13 - Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
14 - That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;.........
         The problem today is that we don't know what we preach.
But, the knowledge of the son of God(JESUS Christ) is what gives the revelation. For the Bible says,"we give lip service of his KINGDOM, and yet make his commands of no effect by the traditions of men"(paraphrased). When we misunderstand God and the works of our Savior Jesus Christ, we become empty again. After reading thoroughly through the Holy Bible, you would realize that CHRIST did not come to CONVERT, he came to SAVE. He brought back the kingdom,power and authority we lost, but not a RELIGION. "lack of knowledge, my people PERISH".. Some folks are still going through a lot simply because they have put to death the power of the Holy Spirit because they lack the truth of the works of Christ Jesus.
          He came not to establish a RELIGION, rather to return us back to our roots. To salvage us(recover us). NOT TO CONVERT US INTO A RELIGION like the other sects think and do. Let's get the message right and IMPACT lives with the truth rather than keeping souls captives in our churches with perverted messages just for material wealth. You don't have to be deceived by they that seek fame n riches. For in search of that, they create their own religions and turn the message.
           In conclusion, let's take this from Matthew 4:17, the first public statement of Jesus Christ is his work, " Repent( renew your mind) for the kingdom of God is at hand(arrived). He did not say, "convert, for a new religion has come"... Hmmmm
Misconceptions are dangerous, but misrepresentations are deadly. Let's know the truth and stick to them; for FACTS change but the truth prevails and stands the test of time.
MEANINGFUL, PURPOSEFUL and successful living begins at knowing who you are, what you have, what you can do, and why you must do it. Know the truth and change the world.

                                                                   -  The Builder

FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
Inst: the_Builder