Sunday, 31 July 2016

Self discovery


Dedication: To a friend, Helen kpobi, whom I gave an exercise to undertake in DISCOVERING her true purpose in life. Now I'm pretty sure her determination to achieve her dreams is unlimited.

For the records, discovery means "the act of uncovering or revealing something". Therefore, self discovery is the act of uncovering or revealing the real identity, potentials and purpose of a person. Where there is no self discovery, there is always self doubt; and where there is self discovery, there is always self confidence and self induced focus.

In my quest for self discovery, I have attended numerous diverse seminars, read several books and articles, listened to different speakers with their diverse views on self discovery, and then finally I undertook one special exercise before realising my true potential, my purpose, my duties, and my freedom as an individual.
Conforming to the views of many speakers, folks will actually be confounded as to what exactly to do, what not to do, and how to do it. Myriads of people will end up majoring in the minor simply because they tried applying some philosophies prescribed to them as the solutions to self discovery.

Let us critically and sincerely follow, and answer the subsequent analogies; 
Should in case my "Apple" i-phone develop a fault, which Mobile brand shop do I have to send it for repairs or fixing?
When your apple Laptop gets damaged, will you send it to an "HP" laptop dealers for repairs? Or when you need detailed Information concerning the functionality of a Mercedes Benz car, do you approach the Henry Ford car company for that? I presume the answer is no.
I recently asked a friend to stay awake during her free time at about 10pm to 12am. This request I made prior to a chat I had with her earlier. I had realized that as talented as she is, she still did not know what exactly she wanted to do in life. She wasn't sure why she was alive and what really she has to offer to make a meaning and a living out of her life. Probably, she might end up experimenting with her life in many things which might take her off track.
I wrote a quote which reads, " a time wasted, is a life wasted". Why? Because any success or failure, achievements or struggles, and the likes in the Human life is all quantified in TIME. Whatever you do with your time today, reflects what you become tomorrow. Therefore asking my friend to stay awake around that time is a habit we all must cultivate for a genuine self discovery. We get so much busy in the day chasing after the wind, following the crowd, conforming to the status-quo, fitting in and impressing people so much so that we forget all about ourselves and what our purpose and mission is in life.

As concluded in the above analogies; if we would go to the respective brand companies for repairs and solutions or informations concerning their products, then where must the human being (you and I) approach to seek for more details and solutions concerning our lives (self discovery) and repairs?    So far as no scientist, psychologist, philosopher, or any other creature can claim the creation of the human species to their credit, I would rather approach the creator for all I need. For it is HE who said "even before I was a blood cloth in my mother's womb, he knew me". (Holy Bible) I actually asked her to stay awake during that time so she can have a meeting with her inner self, with God her creator and her source of life. She needs time to ask God why she is alive? What is her purpose.

Simply put, I asked my friend to spend that 2hours meditating on the word of God, commune with God, seek God and request of him why he created her. What was her work on earth, what does she have to offer humanity that made necessary to be alive till now.

Surprisingly enough, following your passion alone to discover yourself as most people have come to accept, is a crude way of discovering your purpose. It will only lead you to the immediate but not the ultimate; and when you lose focus of the ultimate, you only become a slave to the immediate. Know your source, accept your source and approach your source for your REAL identity. Just as you would get all the information you need concerning the functionality and content of an iPhone from the Apple factory, same way you would get all the information concerning your content (potentials, skills) and your functionality (purpose) from God alone. Go before God in humility so you can stand before men in confidence to be a blessing unto them.

Thank you for reading, God bless you and reveal to you who you are and how you can impact the world around you..!!

By: Godwin Y. Degbey
  (The Builder)

Watch out for the final part of self discovery(part 3). Always remember that what you have is meant for the whole world, it is a global assignment.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Why am I me? Why are you YOU?


By: Godwin Y. Degbey (the Builder)
    🔍 copied from

Your are the  first and only of your kind.. Yes! You may have many things in common with many folks, yet what makes you "YOU" is what made you necessary to be moulded by God...(not scientists and their sciences nor philosophers and their philosophies).... For they say you are alive simply to survive - "born to survive" and to make a living.. But God said, " before you were in your mother's womb, he knew you", and that HIS THOUGHT OF YOU is to prosper you and to give you an "EXPECTED" END.. God was just clear on your PURPOSE, assignment, and mission here on earth before he created you.

Simply put, your PURPOSE for LIVING can not be politically proven, biologically proven, scientifically proven, philosophically proven, nor socially proven as many think. Yet, it is biblically PROVEN. it is up to YOU to choose(gift of freewill) what you believe, who you believe, and WHY you believe WHO you believe for your desired life.

The "world"(controlling systems) is good at making you become who you are not supposed to be; distractions are imminent, serious challenges and difficulties, unnecessary opportunities, undue influences and enticing dangers aimed at leading you astray.. But; SELF DISCOVERY, FOCUS in life and the unending Grace of God does the " MAGIC".... Just know your source, your PURPOSE, and the expected end will surely be made manifest when you take the appropriate steps...

Be smart and conform not to the world and it's enticing systems which only gives you a life of regrets. For the systems of this world is a blindfold to all men; if you do not see it so, you will never realize it. This is why you can not CHANGE what you always tolerate. Be transformed by the renewing of your minds. For you cannot live beyond or below your thoughts, which is why you need to condition your thoughts for effective living. If only you will think it, you will believe it; and when you believe it, you will live it. Exercise your brain muscles and let the world around you feel it's IMPACT.

Lifetime discovery: YOU CAN ONLY BE AN AGENT OF CHANGE or A VICTIM OF CHANGE.. Which one are you?

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Real life

I just realized that most folks spend their ENTIRE LIVES preparing for JOBS, and only a handful spend their time preparing FOR LIFE ITSELF... WHY?
cos life isn't just about JOBS, and job is not the only reason for LIVING..
Sometimes the only job we need to do is to discover and to develop ourselves, to change and transform the already messed up society, than following the masses into JOBS. This is the spirit of a TRUE LEADER...

#THOUGHT OUT LOUD and #SAID OUT LOUD...- the Builder

It's not a revolution, it's just a LIFESTYLE...
Inst: the_builder
Twitter: the builder

Sunday, 3 July 2016

TRIBALISM... The loopholes and the way forward..

TRIBALISM.... The loopholes and the way forward..
Dedication: To Leticia Ofosu, a course mate, popularly referred to as Dollarson Euroson Poundsy. You did inspire me to write this piece at a time when most people think we(as a nation) are free from some perceptions and convictions of tribalism.

The world has taken a great, consistent and heterogeneous change overtime. Kingdoms emerged and fell, empires rose and collapsed, Activists restored justice and died, Presidents came n left, Nations took power and later lost it, and nothing is ever the same. The world keeps changing form without a corresponding change in the human nature; man is still the same in nature and thoughts. Only the tools and systems we operate that keeps changing.

Despite this great changes in the lives of men and their environment, some things are basically the same. We just seem to ignore them due to westernization. Most people, especially some Ghanaians are hypocrites. Why? Because they still harbour some ills against their fellows from different tribes. Yes! Some folks might say "this  guy doesn't know what he's saying" but trust me, I know exactly what I mean. Now we don't fight, but we mentally and practically abuse our brothers from the other tribes. Action they say, speaks louder than words.

Ontologically, tribalism is oriented around the valences
of analogy, genealogy and mythology. This means that customary tribes have their social foundations in some variation of these tribal orientations, while at the same time often taking on traditional practices. It is also a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends. Hence, tribalism always overrules reason and logic in the Human life. It is a disappointment to hear people living with this archaic mentality in this era.

Imagine a parent advising the child not to marry from a certain tribe in this digital information age. Imagine a family asking their children not to marry from certain families due to their financial status or social orientation. Imagine a person refusing to help in fulfilling a dream simply because the 'visioneer' is from a different tribe or background. What seeds are we sparingly sowing into their minds and into the future of the NATION?  All this acts retards growth and development. At the end we just blame the government for our woes, forgetting our roles in it.

The only way forward is for us to know our roots and our source. When I say "our roots", it implies our origin. Where we originated from, the place which  supersedes the human mind and human imaginations. A place much more real than the word " reality". The place that made your existence POSSIBLE, the place where WE ALL CAME FROM. The Apple fruit knows it's source, the pepper knows it source, your mobile phone has its source. Almost everything has and knows its source except the 'homo-sapiens'. We just rebelliously decided to reject our origin so we can live a life that pleases us alone. You and I know that no matter how great our scientists are, they have not been able to produce any human, and neither will they be able to. So your home(origination) is my home(origination) as well. The Creator actually did not intend a division with his VISION; he was clear when created us all in his image and likeness and gave us all abilities in our respective domains (Gen 1:26). We are all one people striving for excellence and perfection in our various domains. Let's tolerate each other, celebrate each other, respect each other and live together. For a kingdom divided amongst itself can never stand; and it is in unity that we have enough strength and peace to progress and develop.

By: Godwin Yao Degbey (the Builder)
FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
Twitter: the Builder
Inst: the_Builder