Saturday, 13 August 2016

OVERCOMING CRISES in life and leadership

OVERCOMING CRISES in life and leadership.. 🌐

No matter how bleak and  blur our nation is right now, and no matter how uncertain the future is, YOU and I HOLD THE KEY to making a progress in life and turning things around for our nation. The poverty in this era is not the lack of natural resources, rather the lack of responsible and wise Leaders who will effectively utilize the human resources and make a positive impact in society. The general needs of the masses are ignored, whereas the priorities of the few rich are imposed on the society.  The principle is, "when you put your trust in men, you will be doomed" just as the Bible clearly states. Men do not value you because they did not create you. Only God values you more than anything else cos he created you and sent you on a mission here on earth.

Undoubtedly, they do not even notice the availability of unlimited, skillful and unique human resources. They only foresee nice and gargantuan edifices and infrastructures in society. Tell me, what hope is left in a family when the Father chooses to invest all money in building houses and structures when the entire welfare of the kids have been abandoned; no schooling, no feeding, no love. We eat to live but we are not alive to eat, we are alive to learn and make life right. Let's learn from the errors of today's leaders and make our resolutions clear. For whatever you tolerate, you cannot change; if you tolerate their errors, you will keep repeating them. But if you don't, the errors will be unstayed and the future will be bright.

The truth is the "world" (controlling systems) will treat you as if you never existed, yet when you discover your potentials, skills, talents and purpose, you will become their number one priority. They will either chase you to break you, or chase you to MAKE you. The principle is, 'no one really knows what you are capable of doing until you have found out yourself'..

Forget the world and it's devilish systems and FOCUS on who God made you and what he gave you. The real you cannot be determined by anyone else other than you; do not follow the crowd (friends, society, media, etc), stand distinct even if you stand alone. When the REAL YOU IS noticed, you will be a toastmaster. Work hard on yourself, spend time alone with God and know that if you do not do what you must do, an entire generation suffers. But when you do not do it well too, an entire generation becomes the more confused. Discover yourself and be the light of the world.

By: Godwin Y. Degbey
      (The Builder)

🗣 Eliciting the hidden LEADER in you for a purposeful living and a positive impact in society..