Friday 25 December 2015


»»» THE BUILDERS message «««
××DISCLAIMER : This piece is for KINGDOM MINDED citizens and NOT CARNAL MEN and RELIGIOUS MEN... YOU read the TRUTH to change your preconceived perception for a meaningful life or to your own detriment!!

Preamble : mans' LIFE will always BE meaningless.. Lest you know the PURPOSE of GOD for your LIFE. - the Builder
But remember, Christmas is also meaningless and will always BE abused if we do not know the "why" for Christmas. It seems to me that essential things are losing their essence and are being abused. Dr Myles Munroe, a great man of GOD, always used to say, 'where PURPOSE is not known, abuse (abnormal USE) is inevitable. I conclude that, the essence of YOU IS the essence of Christmas. Therefore, to know the essence of Christmas we start by knowing the essence of YOU. What then is your essence?
         ESSENCE is defined in the dictionary as 'the inherent nature or true nature of a thing. Hence, the essence of man is the inherent nature or true nature of man. The PURPOSE of man is what has been recorded in the books of Genesis 1&2. YOUR purpose is the reason God created the EARTH. All the evil forces around know that when man discovers his essence for LIFE, the world will be a better place. So there are many things in motion that prevent you from reading the word of GOD so you wouldn't KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE and why you are here on EARTH. This is your essence :  Genesis 1:26
                         "And God said, let us make man in our own IMAGE, after our LIKENESS : let them have DOMINION OVER the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth".
» God created man and placed him here on earth so that his influence in Heaven will be extended to earth through MAN. God created you to have DOMINION OVER this earth and all that is in it. He wants you and I to manifest here on earth what is done in Heaven. This is also why we pray, 'our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be name. Your KINGDOM COME. YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN...............'
        YOU SEE, your essence is to manifest and live a life to the glory of GOD. YOU DID not create yourself. God created you and gave you a kingdom to RULE and to Govern. But guess what, we LOST our kingdom to the enemy, to the devil and his cohorts. Instead of man RULING the world and living to the GLORY OF GOD, the world now rules man and man is being deceived and confused to live to the expectations of this world and its evil powers.
»»» NOW, this is the essence of Christmas. The essence of Christmas is not to buy new clothing or new pair of shoes. Neither is it going to parties nor visiting friends. It is also  not attending church service. Christmas has been rumoured to be the birth date of the SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST our king. Jesus Christ the Lord was BORN on this day in history NOT TO INSTITUTE RELIGION OR DENOMINATION BUT TO RESTORE BACK TO THE HUMAN RACE, OUR LOST KINGDOM. CHRISTMAS marks the day God came down to EARTH TO RECONNECT THE LOST AND IGNORANT MAN TO HIS KINGDOM AND TO GIVE BACK TO HIM HIS SENSE OF DESTINY.  Therefore, the essence of Christmas is just to remind us that we are still in control and we still have a heavenly mandate to fulfill. We must influence the world but not the world influencing us. Just as the SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST clearly said, 'we are of the world BUT NOT FOR THE WORLD'. We are citizens of Heaven mandated to impact and influence the earth with the KINGDOM OF GOD. This is the essence of Christmas and this is the essence of YOU..!!  - the Builder

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