Wednesday, 25 November 2015


»»»» THE BUILDER'S message ««««
IF only you would PAUSE FOR A WHILE in this hasty life of yours, You would realize that some things are not in place.
IF ONLY you would critically think about the life you living, You would realize that, "YOU are just following the crowd".
IF ONLY you knew the life you have been called to live, You would have STOPPED impressing some people.
IF ONLY you would realize that the world is not what it is PURPORTING to be, then you will take the right steps in life.
....... Lovely folks, the systems of this world are a BLINDFOLD to all men.. If you don't change it, then IT WILL CHANGE YOU.. YOU need the presence of GOD in your Life in order to BE WHO and WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE and to POSITIVELY IMPACT THE WORLD...... Arise and BUILD ✔
                                                                         ✨The Builder ✨

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