Saturday, 31 December 2016



No man is an island, and no man can live in isolation. These are some popular sayings that every human alive today can relate to and can live with. Every now and then we will all need helping hands to reach out to us and carry as along as we strive to achieve something.
The road isn't easy. But I thank God for giving me "provisions" of awesome souls that believed in me and my dreams. Their words, actions and inactions towards me affirms this quote of mine, "life is lived in lives". And I'm here today not to boast or reveal any identity but to appreciate all those who directly or indirectly helped me in achieving most of my 2016 goals and even creating more "corridor principles" for me. God bless you all and give you Good health as you go about your daily routines and other endeavors. That notwithstanding, I'm also using this platform as a medium to apologize to anyone that I might have offended either in my words, thoughts, actions and inactions in this 2016. Please forgive me okay..

To you all, my Facebook friends, whether I know you personally or not. Those who comment on and like my posts. It's a form of motivation you know and I appreciate it very much. For your sake, give me feedback so I improve how I communicate without scratching the truth. Hehehe! Honestly, I really appreciate you all dear ones 😊. God bless you all!

Secondly, to all the core staffs of Total Petroleum Gh Ltd (TPGL) for the diverse skills and support i received. Especially, Mr Siddique, Madam Bertha, madam Ellen, Madam Millicent, Aunty Barbara, madam Freda, madam Estelle, Aunty Augusta, madam Anna, Mr Boamah, Mr Anguah,  Sis Emefa, Mr Lamptey, Mr Ninson, Godlove et al. Also to the non staff workers, Mr Odei, Francis Hodor, Bro Mike, Larweh et al.

Thirdly, to all the staffs of LEC GROUP. Especially, the Chairman of chairmen, Mr Albert Kusi (eish! this man, I tell you), Mr Emmanuel Owusu, Sir Frank, Mr Henry Nii, Mr isaak Kusi, Madam Joyceline (The woman), and all the interns who were at the LEC challenge House. Hehehe! Frankly speaking, Mr Albert Kusi, God bless you. I learnt a lot, i had fun and I was also challenged and Inspired to do what I ought to do. Lol

And then, I very much appreciate the entire B. Ed Accounting class of '14. Heeerrh! This folks are something. Lol! The friends and loved ones, advisors and critics, I suppose I have no enemies? Lol, God bless you all for playing a key role in my life.

More so, wow! I extravagantly appreciate the entire team of leaders  at TSLC-Ghana. I love you all. Especially, Naa Ayele; A great helping hand and an advisor, Derrick Tsorme (I love this man k3k3),Mr Apollos Jnr Ambrosse, Wilhelmina Atsupy, Mivheal, H. E Raymond Nartey (prez of ROSA -UCC), L_Martin (ROSA-UCC cord.), and all the members of TSLC, Ghana. God bless you all and Inspire you to change the world.

Finally, I'm highly grateful to Mr Frank Paa Kumi, Founding director of Passionate African Leadership Institute (PALI) for believing in me and playing a key role in the formative stages of TSLC, Gh. Also highly grateful to Mr Ferdinard Senyo Lawson Arthur, a transformational speaker, mentor, Arthur, entrepreneur and life coach who keeps directing, admonishing and inspiring me to live and act right when it come to leadership. And then to my mentor again, Dr Isaac Newman Arthur. Wow! I'm so blessed to meet you too daddy; for the new skills I'm learning from you to the advice and admonishments, coaching and diverse support. I pray for more Grace for greater exploits in all your endeavors.

The truth is I can't mention all names cos my appreciation goes to every human alive today. I'm still here because of you, especially you the person reading this. Let's prepare ourselves as we await to manifest our dreams and abilities in 2017 for the betterment of humanity.

Personally, 2016 was a year of manifestations (still in 2016 thou). And 2017 will be a year of greater exploits and impact in leadership.
Together we build that bright future we envision for all

Much love,
Godwin Delali Degbey
A friend, brother, love, leader, servant and fellow Builder.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

The Birthday Revolution

The birthday revolution
(Appreciations, inspiration and encouragement)

Dedication: I dedicate this special article to all my well wishers, mentors, loved ones, friends, helpers, friends to be, advisors and finally the kids  and youths on the streets who are working out their purpose.

They say history is a powerful tool. Not only does it tell you of your past, but it reveals the loopholes in your past so you can correct that in your present and build a firm future based on that. History is meant to show you who you were, who you are supposed to be and what you need to be doing now. My history is one I could easily relate to because my proud and loving mother(stepmother actually, but you wouldn't know until I tell) will always come up with it whenever I misbehave as a child just to keep me in tune with where I'm headed in life. I remember how stubborn and deviant I was as a child; no amount and level of punishment ever renews my mind. I know I wouldn't have come this far if my parents had given up on me due to my stubborn and notorious behavior as a child. Hmmm... I bet you only know little about me!! But one thing I know, you don't get to decide how you grow as a child, your environment does. But you get to decide how you develop and face the future after childhood. I was down there, aimless, but now I'm here, purpose-driven.
     What am I trying to say? Never despise the beginning of a thing, for the end is always glorious.(Holy Bible). My philosophy is that, life is by predestination. Oh yeah! Nothing is ever by chance or luck. Do you believe that only few are born to make it in life? Do you believe that only few are born leaders and the rest followers? What exactly do you believe? Do you even have a belief system? Hmmm.. life isn't a joke, I believe that's why jokers never really find their spot in society till they are no more. Everything that happens in life has been planned long before the foundations of this earth was laid. This isn't abstract, it's more real than the word "real". The invisible made the visible possible. Scientists know this fact, which is why they say some matter travels into and out of existence.
       Your life has a purpose. Everything that men have made, ranging from all electrical gadgets to the non electrical ones, they all have a specific purpose and function which made them necessary to be made or created by men. Why then do you doubt that there is a grand design for your life bro n Sis? Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher(a philosopher) even said that, "without the assumption of God, the reason for living will be meaningless". Take my case for instance, I would be lost if I hadn't discovered my purpose in God. I could even travel far to Europe and climb to the apex of the statue of liberty and shout my name and identity to the world, but I'll only be seen as a nitwit. It is only your purpose, your function, your abilities and gift which God has long deposited in you for a purposeful and positive impact for the betterment of humanity, that can speak for you and announce your presence. Ye are salts and lights. You are specifically and emphatically imbued with a solution to a specific problem in society; you'll only see it when you believe it. Nothing in life is a waste. No human is a waste. Remember, we are only limited by what we perceive, believe and live with. When God is at the center of your life, you become a beacon of hope to many. Seek God and you'll find your purpose, you are meant for something special here on earth. I will surely see you up there. The human life is like a software which needs constant development, update and new features. It's not enough to discover your purpose but it's always prudent to nurture it, develop it and then deploy yourself for change.
      I'll like to use this opportunity to thank all people that wished me well and success in my calling. My mentors, advisors, friends and loved ones, family and helpers, mates, models and those that are also learning from me. God bless you all for making this day and this year a special one for me. It is my hope amd Prayer that God himself will manifest his Glory in our lives, and that he will reveal to us who he has made and called us to be for his name sake. There's a lot to be done, and you are needed on board.
God bless you...!!

Godwin Delali Degbey
    (The Builder)

Saturday, 13 August 2016

OVERCOMING CRISES in life and leadership

OVERCOMING CRISES in life and leadership.. 🌐

No matter how bleak and  blur our nation is right now, and no matter how uncertain the future is, YOU and I HOLD THE KEY to making a progress in life and turning things around for our nation. The poverty in this era is not the lack of natural resources, rather the lack of responsible and wise Leaders who will effectively utilize the human resources and make a positive impact in society. The general needs of the masses are ignored, whereas the priorities of the few rich are imposed on the society.  The principle is, "when you put your trust in men, you will be doomed" just as the Bible clearly states. Men do not value you because they did not create you. Only God values you more than anything else cos he created you and sent you on a mission here on earth.

Undoubtedly, they do not even notice the availability of unlimited, skillful and unique human resources. They only foresee nice and gargantuan edifices and infrastructures in society. Tell me, what hope is left in a family when the Father chooses to invest all money in building houses and structures when the entire welfare of the kids have been abandoned; no schooling, no feeding, no love. We eat to live but we are not alive to eat, we are alive to learn and make life right. Let's learn from the errors of today's leaders and make our resolutions clear. For whatever you tolerate, you cannot change; if you tolerate their errors, you will keep repeating them. But if you don't, the errors will be unstayed and the future will be bright.

The truth is the "world" (controlling systems) will treat you as if you never existed, yet when you discover your potentials, skills, talents and purpose, you will become their number one priority. They will either chase you to break you, or chase you to MAKE you. The principle is, 'no one really knows what you are capable of doing until you have found out yourself'..

Forget the world and it's devilish systems and FOCUS on who God made you and what he gave you. The real you cannot be determined by anyone else other than you; do not follow the crowd (friends, society, media, etc), stand distinct even if you stand alone. When the REAL YOU IS noticed, you will be a toastmaster. Work hard on yourself, spend time alone with God and know that if you do not do what you must do, an entire generation suffers. But when you do not do it well too, an entire generation becomes the more confused. Discover yourself and be the light of the world.

By: Godwin Y. Degbey
      (The Builder)

🗣 Eliciting the hidden LEADER in you for a purposeful living and a positive impact in society..

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Self discovery


Dedication: To a friend, Helen kpobi, whom I gave an exercise to undertake in DISCOVERING her true purpose in life. Now I'm pretty sure her determination to achieve her dreams is unlimited.

For the records, discovery means "the act of uncovering or revealing something". Therefore, self discovery is the act of uncovering or revealing the real identity, potentials and purpose of a person. Where there is no self discovery, there is always self doubt; and where there is self discovery, there is always self confidence and self induced focus.

In my quest for self discovery, I have attended numerous diverse seminars, read several books and articles, listened to different speakers with their diverse views on self discovery, and then finally I undertook one special exercise before realising my true potential, my purpose, my duties, and my freedom as an individual.
Conforming to the views of many speakers, folks will actually be confounded as to what exactly to do, what not to do, and how to do it. Myriads of people will end up majoring in the minor simply because they tried applying some philosophies prescribed to them as the solutions to self discovery.

Let us critically and sincerely follow, and answer the subsequent analogies; 
Should in case my "Apple" i-phone develop a fault, which Mobile brand shop do I have to send it for repairs or fixing?
When your apple Laptop gets damaged, will you send it to an "HP" laptop dealers for repairs? Or when you need detailed Information concerning the functionality of a Mercedes Benz car, do you approach the Henry Ford car company for that? I presume the answer is no.
I recently asked a friend to stay awake during her free time at about 10pm to 12am. This request I made prior to a chat I had with her earlier. I had realized that as talented as she is, she still did not know what exactly she wanted to do in life. She wasn't sure why she was alive and what really she has to offer to make a meaning and a living out of her life. Probably, she might end up experimenting with her life in many things which might take her off track.
I wrote a quote which reads, " a time wasted, is a life wasted". Why? Because any success or failure, achievements or struggles, and the likes in the Human life is all quantified in TIME. Whatever you do with your time today, reflects what you become tomorrow. Therefore asking my friend to stay awake around that time is a habit we all must cultivate for a genuine self discovery. We get so much busy in the day chasing after the wind, following the crowd, conforming to the status-quo, fitting in and impressing people so much so that we forget all about ourselves and what our purpose and mission is in life.

As concluded in the above analogies; if we would go to the respective brand companies for repairs and solutions or informations concerning their products, then where must the human being (you and I) approach to seek for more details and solutions concerning our lives (self discovery) and repairs?    So far as no scientist, psychologist, philosopher, or any other creature can claim the creation of the human species to their credit, I would rather approach the creator for all I need. For it is HE who said "even before I was a blood cloth in my mother's womb, he knew me". (Holy Bible) I actually asked her to stay awake during that time so she can have a meeting with her inner self, with God her creator and her source of life. She needs time to ask God why she is alive? What is her purpose.

Simply put, I asked my friend to spend that 2hours meditating on the word of God, commune with God, seek God and request of him why he created her. What was her work on earth, what does she have to offer humanity that made necessary to be alive till now.

Surprisingly enough, following your passion alone to discover yourself as most people have come to accept, is a crude way of discovering your purpose. It will only lead you to the immediate but not the ultimate; and when you lose focus of the ultimate, you only become a slave to the immediate. Know your source, accept your source and approach your source for your REAL identity. Just as you would get all the information you need concerning the functionality and content of an iPhone from the Apple factory, same way you would get all the information concerning your content (potentials, skills) and your functionality (purpose) from God alone. Go before God in humility so you can stand before men in confidence to be a blessing unto them.

Thank you for reading, God bless you and reveal to you who you are and how you can impact the world around you..!!

By: Godwin Y. Degbey
  (The Builder)

Watch out for the final part of self discovery(part 3). Always remember that what you have is meant for the whole world, it is a global assignment.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Why am I me? Why are you YOU?


By: Godwin Y. Degbey (the Builder)
    🔍 copied from

Your are the  first and only of your kind.. Yes! You may have many things in common with many folks, yet what makes you "YOU" is what made you necessary to be moulded by God...(not scientists and their sciences nor philosophers and their philosophies).... For they say you are alive simply to survive - "born to survive" and to make a living.. But God said, " before you were in your mother's womb, he knew you", and that HIS THOUGHT OF YOU is to prosper you and to give you an "EXPECTED" END.. God was just clear on your PURPOSE, assignment, and mission here on earth before he created you.

Simply put, your PURPOSE for LIVING can not be politically proven, biologically proven, scientifically proven, philosophically proven, nor socially proven as many think. Yet, it is biblically PROVEN. it is up to YOU to choose(gift of freewill) what you believe, who you believe, and WHY you believe WHO you believe for your desired life.

The "world"(controlling systems) is good at making you become who you are not supposed to be; distractions are imminent, serious challenges and difficulties, unnecessary opportunities, undue influences and enticing dangers aimed at leading you astray.. But; SELF DISCOVERY, FOCUS in life and the unending Grace of God does the " MAGIC".... Just know your source, your PURPOSE, and the expected end will surely be made manifest when you take the appropriate steps...

Be smart and conform not to the world and it's enticing systems which only gives you a life of regrets. For the systems of this world is a blindfold to all men; if you do not see it so, you will never realize it. This is why you can not CHANGE what you always tolerate. Be transformed by the renewing of your minds. For you cannot live beyond or below your thoughts, which is why you need to condition your thoughts for effective living. If only you will think it, you will believe it; and when you believe it, you will live it. Exercise your brain muscles and let the world around you feel it's IMPACT.

Lifetime discovery: YOU CAN ONLY BE AN AGENT OF CHANGE or A VICTIM OF CHANGE.. Which one are you?

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Real life

I just realized that most folks spend their ENTIRE LIVES preparing for JOBS, and only a handful spend their time preparing FOR LIFE ITSELF... WHY?
cos life isn't just about JOBS, and job is not the only reason for LIVING..
Sometimes the only job we need to do is to discover and to develop ourselves, to change and transform the already messed up society, than following the masses into JOBS. This is the spirit of a TRUE LEADER...

#THOUGHT OUT LOUD and #SAID OUT LOUD...- the Builder

It's not a revolution, it's just a LIFESTYLE...
Inst: the_builder
Twitter: the builder

Sunday, 3 July 2016

TRIBALISM... The loopholes and the way forward..

TRIBALISM.... The loopholes and the way forward..
Dedication: To Leticia Ofosu, a course mate, popularly referred to as Dollarson Euroson Poundsy. You did inspire me to write this piece at a time when most people think we(as a nation) are free from some perceptions and convictions of tribalism.

The world has taken a great, consistent and heterogeneous change overtime. Kingdoms emerged and fell, empires rose and collapsed, Activists restored justice and died, Presidents came n left, Nations took power and later lost it, and nothing is ever the same. The world keeps changing form without a corresponding change in the human nature; man is still the same in nature and thoughts. Only the tools and systems we operate that keeps changing.

Despite this great changes in the lives of men and their environment, some things are basically the same. We just seem to ignore them due to westernization. Most people, especially some Ghanaians are hypocrites. Why? Because they still harbour some ills against their fellows from different tribes. Yes! Some folks might say "this  guy doesn't know what he's saying" but trust me, I know exactly what I mean. Now we don't fight, but we mentally and practically abuse our brothers from the other tribes. Action they say, speaks louder than words.

Ontologically, tribalism is oriented around the valences
of analogy, genealogy and mythology. This means that customary tribes have their social foundations in some variation of these tribal orientations, while at the same time often taking on traditional practices. It is also a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends. Hence, tribalism always overrules reason and logic in the Human life. It is a disappointment to hear people living with this archaic mentality in this era.

Imagine a parent advising the child not to marry from a certain tribe in this digital information age. Imagine a family asking their children not to marry from certain families due to their financial status or social orientation. Imagine a person refusing to help in fulfilling a dream simply because the 'visioneer' is from a different tribe or background. What seeds are we sparingly sowing into their minds and into the future of the NATION?  All this acts retards growth and development. At the end we just blame the government for our woes, forgetting our roles in it.

The only way forward is for us to know our roots and our source. When I say "our roots", it implies our origin. Where we originated from, the place which  supersedes the human mind and human imaginations. A place much more real than the word " reality". The place that made your existence POSSIBLE, the place where WE ALL CAME FROM. The Apple fruit knows it's source, the pepper knows it source, your mobile phone has its source. Almost everything has and knows its source except the 'homo-sapiens'. We just rebelliously decided to reject our origin so we can live a life that pleases us alone. You and I know that no matter how great our scientists are, they have not been able to produce any human, and neither will they be able to. So your home(origination) is my home(origination) as well. The Creator actually did not intend a division with his VISION; he was clear when created us all in his image and likeness and gave us all abilities in our respective domains (Gen 1:26). We are all one people striving for excellence and perfection in our various domains. Let's tolerate each other, celebrate each other, respect each other and live together. For a kingdom divided amongst itself can never stand; and it is in unity that we have enough strength and peace to progress and develop.

By: Godwin Yao Degbey (the Builder)
FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
Twitter: the Builder
Inst: the_Builder

Thursday, 30 June 2016


I must say that there has been and there still is a vast number of contribution from various intellectuals on this discourse of self discovery. We are now living in an era where people, organizations, institutions, and everyone everywhere is seeking to progress in life to the next level. I believe many people have concluded within themselves that, " if I want to move on in life,I have to know and do something new I never did before ".  Same as companies; they would say, " to expand our business and progress, we need to know new things, employ new skills, and do new things to attract our customers ". Basically, almost everyone now is searching for his/herself, to identify what things he/she can do to change his/her current status in life. Always remember folks, that a change initiated at one place or one part of the world (be it a village or a city) is a global change. Hence,everyone has a gift to activate and a role to play in changing and reshaping the world wherever we find  ourselves. Self discovery is a global need; in as much as you need what you have, the world also needs it to be a better place.
       However, the problem is not with the progression. But with the DISCOVERING  process. Many are those who have tried to give a pathway that leads to this discovery and have achieved little or none. Aristotle, once said," the knowledge of self is the source of all wisdom ". How valid is this submission?
Do you know yourself? Does the knowledge of yourself imbue you with all other knowledge you seek in this world? Then why keep learning even after discovering your abilities and capabilities? Well, there might be some truth in that; the knowledge of self is a key to self discovery. But Bertrand Russell, a great British writer and philosopher, once submitted that " unless we assume God, the reason for living or doing any other thing pertaining to life is meaningless ". Wow! What an admonishment! What he said clearly synchronizes with the declaration from the Holy Bible that, " where there is no VISION, the people PERISH "..-(Proverbs 29:18). This clearly proves that, for there to be a a growth, success, progress, stability, peace and development in your personal life, family, business, or nation, there must be a VISION emanating from your self discovery. So what am I driving at? There can never be a genuine self discovery without God. If you are an atheist, I am sorry but it is the truth. You need to believe it in order to live it. Some folks end up  majoring in the minor things of their life simply because they did not know who they were and why they existed; so they would rather work for money than for their self accomplishment which comes from exhibiting their real potentials which might have nothing to do with money but rather impacting and improving lives.

     Have you ever wondered why the world is so much messed up today?
It is simply because the world have witnessed the risen of some leaders who do not even know who they are and what their purpose or function is, so they are just being manipulated here and there to compromise the future of their Nations. I might sound controversial over here but I believe what am about to say is 100% true based on past records of the world. Everyone alive today, all the humans on planet earth and those gone to outer space,those in the villages and those in the cities, the rich and the poor, the white and the black, the fool and the wise, all have a purpose and function in life. A God given function for which they(including you and I) exist. This can be clearly seen from Genesis 1:26 in the Holy Bible. There are some peculiar tasks we need to perform on earth that made our existence a NECESSITY. The principle is, when you are ignorant of something, you become vulnerable to it. Know yourself and be imbued with unlimited self control.

     NOW, establishing the fact that we are made for a specific and special task in this world as well as in the life of others, the next question is "how do we discover it, and how do we manifest it?"

Expect the PART 2 of self discovery, and let's explore the real you for a meaningful living...

  FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
  Inst: the_Builder
   Twitter: the Builder

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Mental conditioning

THE TRUE AFRICAN, mental conditioning. -the Builder
Considering the current state of affairs of the human empires right now, it is only the renewal of minds towards the acceptance of the truth, that can pave a way for a TOTAL, GENUINE transformation. We don't have to 'sacrifice' this generation for a brighter future, we only need to 'SANCTIFY' their THOUGHTS with the truth. Yes! We need a PARADIGM SHIFT IN THINKING to cause a directional change in our attitudes as Africans and as KINGDOM CITIZENS..- Builder

You can either choose to dream big and think big, or refuse to think big and remain where you have invariably, unwillingly but, practically accepted to be. The TRUTH is; you were born uniquely for a purpose, and that purpose is not limited to your family nor your community, it is a global purpose that comes in phases. All you need to do is to take each step at a time, identify all the opportunities and walk your way through it with Christ as your authority. Read the WORD and know who YOU REALLY ARE before you take a step.

#We need a change of mind in the right direction
#we need a change in attitude in the right direction

"The empires of the future are all the empires of the mind" -Sir Winston Churchill..

What do you think of everyday? Is it the new movie/music you are expecting? Are you sure you are not wasting away your thoughts? ?

   We need brains and minds that are ready for CHANGE;
A change in your family, A change in your society
A change in your nation, a change in AFRICA, and a CHANGE IN THE WORLD...Only he that believeth, shall it be possible to......- the Builder

           FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
           INST.: The_Builder

Friday, 24 June 2016

The Kingdom of God (Ephesians 4)

THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Ephesians 4)
13 - Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
14 - That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;.........
         The problem today is that we don't know what we preach.
But, the knowledge of the son of God(JESUS Christ) is what gives the revelation. For the Bible says,"we give lip service of his KINGDOM, and yet make his commands of no effect by the traditions of men"(paraphrased). When we misunderstand God and the works of our Savior Jesus Christ, we become empty again. After reading thoroughly through the Holy Bible, you would realize that CHRIST did not come to CONVERT, he came to SAVE. He brought back the kingdom,power and authority we lost, but not a RELIGION. "lack of knowledge, my people PERISH".. Some folks are still going through a lot simply because they have put to death the power of the Holy Spirit because they lack the truth of the works of Christ Jesus.
          He came not to establish a RELIGION, rather to return us back to our roots. To salvage us(recover us). NOT TO CONVERT US INTO A RELIGION like the other sects think and do. Let's get the message right and IMPACT lives with the truth rather than keeping souls captives in our churches with perverted messages just for material wealth. You don't have to be deceived by they that seek fame n riches. For in search of that, they create their own religions and turn the message.
           In conclusion, let's take this from Matthew 4:17, the first public statement of Jesus Christ is his work, " Repent( renew your mind) for the kingdom of God is at hand(arrived). He did not say, "convert, for a new religion has come"... Hmmmm
Misconceptions are dangerous, but misrepresentations are deadly. Let's know the truth and stick to them; for FACTS change but the truth prevails and stands the test of time.
MEANINGFUL, PURPOSEFUL and successful living begins at knowing who you are, what you have, what you can do, and why you must do it. Know the truth and change the world.

                                                                   -  The Builder

FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
Inst: the_Builder

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Thinking and Reading..

Life is a THINKERS' FEAT, and a READER'S PASSION. - the Builder
What you know nothing of, always remains unnecessary to you. but not after you gain fair knowledge about it. If you want to KNOW THE WAY FORWARD IN LIFE, be apt to learn and keen to REASON, but most importantly, avoid selective learning.. A whole lot of accomplishment and GREATNESS awaits the REAL AFRICAN. my questions is, "how are we preparing today to face tomorrow?"
Are we just wasting away our potentials and skills by spending precious time watching meaningless movies, or just following the crowd? You got to know YOUR REAL PURPOSE in life and invest your time in achieving it. DO NOT FOLLOW THE CROWD, BE A PACE SETTER. for the systems of this world is a blindfold to ALL MEN. It only takes the ONE THAT KNOWS HIMSELF/HERSELF TO OVERCOME THE status-quo.
Let us arise for a change in our lives and a change in Africa.

➖not a writer, but a builder ➖

FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
Inst: the_Builder
Twitter: the Builder

Saturday, 28 May 2016



This serious message just dropped in my mind as
I sat in a trotro from ridge towers to ogbojo in Accra.

Life actually is controlled by they that reason a lot. It's good to be AN AGENT OF CHANGE than being a VICTIM OF CHANGE.
just be conscious of the change you initiate..- the BUILDER

folks, I want you to know that you can't waste your thoughts.
Some wise fellas say, "a man is a sum total of all his thoughts".
Yes, indeed one can't live beyond his/her thoughts.
That is why I want you to be conscious of what you
Always think about.. Your life is summed up in your thoughts.
My question is what do you think about all the time?
What is the burden on your heart everyday?
Do your thoughts REFLECT YOUR FUTURE?
Do your thoughts reflect your WELLBEING?

Selah.. 🙏🏼
⭕share to inspire and to teach someone⭕

FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF
INSTAGRAM: The_Builder

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The Kingdom message

The best place to be always is just THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY... I know some philosophers, humanist and others will have a problem with this but my question is "WHO ARE YOU" and "WHERE ARE YOU FROM"? ...Some say we are made up of atoms, some say we EVOLVED, simply because THEY DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT THE FACT THAT THERE IS SOMEONE UP THERE WHO IS GREATER THAN THEIR MIND AND BEYOND THEIR IMAGINATIONS.... You are an element of God and that is what you will be cos it's the TRUTH ( Gen 1:26, Gen 2:7-8) .. Renew your mental make up and accept CHRIST in order to DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE and have a fulfilling life....- the Builder
       FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF

Monday, 9 May 2016

Exploring the REAL YOU....

Life is a mission; for there is a reason in every SEASON to live. 

But the most dangerous thing to ever happen to man is to live

Without knowing why your are living and what you are living for. It makes Your life seem to be a work of experimentation. Just remember that God has predestined your life before he even created you,he alone knows why you are here. Your counsellor knows not either; neither do I also, so just acquaint yourself with God to explore the REAL YOU... Try answering this questions too;





These are some mind blowing questions that when THOUGHT ABOUT or WHEN ANSWERED, GIVES A MEANINGFUL, PURPOSEFUL and FULFILLING LIFE.....#remember, you don't only live once as they say; when the REAL YOU IS MANIFESTED, you will continue to IMPACT lives even when you are no more......- the Builder

       FB: The Builders Leadership Forum - TBLF

Saturday, 23 April 2016


.........•••••the Builders message •••••..........

The world is overcrowded today; Destinies, aspirations and dreams are being overshadowed. The world now belongs to they that know who they are and what they ought to do. Believe you me, "YOU ARE A VESSEL". So my question is, " who USES YOU?"
You can't afford to experiment with your life now; choose this day who you will SERVE...!! Do not be blindfolded by the systems of this world; know more, ask more, but most importantly do more of what you know MUST be done. I emphatically Say again, the world is overcrowded. BUT GUESS WHAT, 👉🏽 YOU ALONE HAVE THE CHOICE TO BE OVERSHADOWED by the crowd or to STAND-UP and STAND FIRM FOR WHO YOU REALLY ARE.....- the Builder

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..........•••••••the Builders message ••••••••..........
             ON YOUR KNEES
When was the last time you ever bent down on your knees? Was it to God or to man? Let's be REAL;
•I know we go down on our knees to propose to our loved ones of the opposite sex.
•I know we do go own on our knees sometimes just to encourage our parents to go the extra mile in providing us with our needs. We say this ACT shows LOVE, RESPECT, HUMILITY, GENUINENESS...
       But, when was the last time you went down on your knees to God? When was the last time you showed Genuine love to God? When was the last time you told God you really appreciate all that he's done for you? When was the last time you accorded God the respect due to HIM both in your words and actions?
       •I also know PRIDE is the order of the day; pride is now like a cloth that we wear, seen on most people in everything they do. What of 👉🏽you? Where are we headed to in LIFE?

PAUSE, TAKE A WHILE, THINK ABOUT YOUR LIFE, THINK ABOUT GOD and WORSHIP HIM. just remember, the way up is down; humility is the key to UPLIFTING IN LIFE...-the Builder
⭕Script. Ref: Matthew 18 (the kingdom of God is for those with the heart of a 5yr old child)

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Monday, 29 February 2016


Happy new month lovely people... WOTS..!!
MY message to share this blessed month...

God is a king. I am not making him a king, neither do you.(we just have to agree and acknowledge that he is the only TRUE King of Kings)... The almighty God decided to extend his heavenly KINGDOM which is invisible into the visible(earth), where he can be acknowledged my men. The devil has been against this purpose of God till now... Nevertheless, only the counsel/ purpose of God will prevail (prvbs19:21).. Do you know why WE ARE ALL NECESSARY? DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU WILL NEVER DIE TILL YOU HAVE FULFILLED WHAT GOD CREATED YOU TO DO? my Bible tells me,God created you specifically to have Dominion over this earth and all that is in it (No wonder he created the earth and finally said, let us create man in our image) WOW!! I am in the IMAGE and NATURE OF GOD?? Genesis 1:1-28(emphasis on 1:26).....
I have no need to worry now because "the adversary" tried to take this authority,power,Grace n mercy from me, but little did he know that JESUS HAS ALREADY MADE PROVISION TO COME AND DIE ON THAT CROSS TO RESTORE, RECONCILE and to RE ESTABLISH this wonderful kingdom and authority that GOD has given me.. Now, so long as I obey my God and walk right with him, this aimless guy called "the devil" ain't got no power nor control over my LIFE.... Glory to God for his wonders, thank you Lord Jesus for making my salvation possible through your holy and precious blood..... We are blessed...JESUS DIED FOR US BECAUSE HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD, no one else could. He calls himself THE LAMB..we lost the kingdom bequeathed to us by God and it is only a king that can restore a kingdom, this is why my Savior JESUS CHRIST CAME TO DIE..AMEN....-the Builder


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Today's world, Today's youth and today's problems..!!

PREAMBLE: Your success and failure is not dependant on any earthly government. Be it leaders, institutions, etc. Your future is inside of you. Always remember, “A forest is always stuck inside a seed, not outside it”. You only need to put the seed in its right environment(SOIL); likewise you; what you need is not a “GOVERNMENT intervention, BUT HEAVENLY INTERVENTION”, you need the PRESENCE OF GOD TO BE FRUITFUL..!!

As I walk up and down the streets, to and from work every day; I realise there are so many INNOCENT people on the street that really need HOPE. They walk the streets totally disturbed, distressed and not knowing where to start from or where to continue their broken but patched lives. Coupled with the current economic hardships in the country, most people have already given up in life and others are still contemplating quitting their dreams, careers, plans, business plans, etc. I hear rumours of people committing suicide, I see people doing things they never would have done just to survive.
These are the times where these popular sayings come to play, “survival of the fittest”, “as the going gets tough, only the tough people will last”. But my question is, “how tough are you?” “What is the source of your toughness?” is it money? Is it your pride or your pain? Or better still it is your SENSE OF PURPOSE? This is also the era where people blame the governments, the institutions and other leaders for their failures and setbacks in life.
But you see; I blame only one person. YES, only one person I do blame. I blame no one else but YOU. YES! I MEAN YOU… Why should you wait for the government (earthly government) to dictate your future for you? Why should you allow the worst economic crises ever to cause your setbacks and to limit your achievements?
Your success and failure is not dependant on any earthly government. Be it leaders, institutions, etc. Your future is inside of you. Always remember, “A forest is always stuck inside a seed, not outside it”. You only need to put the seed in its right environment; likewise you; what you need is not a “GOVERNMENT intervention, BUT HEAVENLY INTERVENTION”, you need the PRESENCE OF GOD!! Have you forgotten the numerous promises GOD made to you? Have you forgotten all the provisions he made for your success in life?   GOD is waiting for you to TAP into his presence by FAITH and claim for yourself what he has promised concerning your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Forget about the crises, forget about your financial status, and forget about you not having any link or connection and FORGE FORWARD WITH GOD by your side. He is all you need to be who you are born to be (Matthew 6:33)..!!
But hear this dear one; the fact that you have GOD and that he is fighting for you, does not mean you should sit idle and continue having fun just like the people of the world do. Children of God in today’s world always say, “Give it to God and go to sleep”. It does not work that way lovely folks. God put you on this earth so he could use you as a vessel to manifest here on earth what is in heaven (The Lord’s Prayer). So he needs your services, he needs you to be active not passive. This is why you cannot sleep; you have to be awake for GOD. He needs you to claim the blessings he has for you. ARE YOU WORRIED OF HOW TO CLAIM YOUR BLESSINGS? ALL YOU NEED IS A VISION!! GET A VISION FOR YOUR LIFE. A VISION THAT PUTS YOU ON A MISIION IN LIFE, A MISSION YOU MUST ACCOMPLISH, A MISSION THAT KEEPS YOU FOCUSED IN LIFE. Then you will have NO reason to fear or to compromise your future for anything. YOU ARE BORN GREAT, YOU ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION, SO PROVE TO THE WORLD HOW SUCCEESFUL IT IS TO BE A CHILD OF GOD….

                                                                                                                     BY: Godwin Y. Degbey
                                                                                                                    (The builder)

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Sunday, 7 February 2016

Deep Revelation

Philosophy, this word was derived from the Greek word Philo(love) and Sophia(knowledge ) which actually means the love of knowledge.  Philosophy was hidden in the forbidden tree in the garden of Eden (the tree of the knowledge **sophia**of good and evil)but God gave Adam and Eve his fear which is the  beginning of knowledge, because the other means of acquiring knowledge was to lead man to death,God told them that the very first day they shall eat the fruit they shall die,meaning the very first time they would seek for knowledge apart from the normal way they shall die.
God didn't want man to have that knowledge by acquisition or through other means  but Satan deceived Eve and she ate the fruit with her hopes of getting that knowledge and gave some to Adam😊have you realised that it was a woman who introduced the love of knowledge to a man?😊but at the end, the knowledge they sought for has harmed them from that time upto our generation, who has now modified that knowledge as Science,(a method of obtaining knowledge through observation and experimentation 😀)funny enough you have not realised that Eve observed and experimented with the fruit😀, knowledge is not bad, for scriptures even guarantee us to seek knowledge,but what knowledge are you seeking ?and how do you seek knowledge, in this last days all other knowledge sought apart from the knowledge of Christ and his Kingdom  is vanity. Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge ,let us ask,seek and knock for the knowledge of Jesus Christ our saviour in God
Thank you
Emmanuel (God with us)

Thursday, 4 February 2016


                NOT JUST AN IMPACT....
.. Everyone seems to make an impact in the lives of many: but my question is, "what kind of IMPACT is that?" God wants a difference.. Yes! But the evil ones want a difference too.. This is why you must know what you are doing and WHY YOU ARE DOING IT...whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not; YOU ARE A VESSEL.. So whoever you yield your services to determine where you BELONG..!! YOU can't profess your love for CHRIST and still work for the devil!!  Examine your ACTIONS and stop DECEIVING YOURSELF......... #KINGDOM #MESSAGE....-the Builder

Saturday, 30 January 2016


PREAMBLE: A Leader with NO SENSE OF DESTINY and NO SELF DISCOVERY is a THREAT TO a generation and an entire nation..-the Builder
                 Everything seems to be losing its ESSENCE. There is a always a "why" for something. But now, no one cares to know the 'why'. "Whatever happens has happened,let us just take it as it is", they say. We were used to having a why for a particular leader. But no more now,whoever AVAILS HIMSELF OR HERSELF, FIT OR UNFIT, WE JUST ACCEPT.
      I define a leader as ONE WHO INFORMS, MOTIVATES, LEADS And SHOWS followers WHAT IS IN THEM and WHAT THEY CAN DO if they would follow him. A leader is not just a person who has authority to control or lead but also HAS THE ABILITY TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN HIS FOLLOWERS..
UNDOUBTEDLY, people say a leader is born to solve a problem. YES! IT IS TRUE. BUT every man alive today and on planet earth, is born to solve a problem and have DOMINION in a particular field of LIFE. NO MAN WAS BORN AS A RESULT OF EXPERIMENTATIONS( including YOU).And this is why you can't experiment with your LIFE, your PURPOSE is straightforward and its staring you in your eyes.  God has set a purpose for all before creation begun. So therefore we are all BORN LEADERS, it is just a matter of DISCOVERING IT. Whatever every human being carries within, is giving by God and needed by the entire human race in order to make life much better.
                            EVERYONE IS A LEADER (Genesis 1:26)
"And God said, let us make MAN in our image, after our likeness: And let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and of the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the face of the earth".. Emphasis on " Dominion "..

The word "MAN" in the above sentence when translated in the Hebrew text means, SPECIES. Hence, its not a singular word but plural referring to the entire human species. Every man is created by God to have Dominion over resources and and some responsibilities. This Dominion spirit is what actually man lost as we lost the KINGDOM OF GOD through SIN. SO WHAT DOES THIS TELL YOU?
✔There must never be a leader who does not know God and who does not believe in the works of JESUS CHRIST the Savior..
So therefore, a MAN who knows God, believes in JESUS CHRIST and has FINALLY DISCOVERED HIS PURPOSE and POTENTIAL, is the RIGHT person to be a LEADER..

THE DEFINITION by Abraham Lincoln for democracy is what I give for Leadership: power of the people by the people and for the people. Thus, leadership is about empowerment. Being empowered by the mass of followers to empower the followers in return (represent them and protect their interest). The dictionary defines leadership as THE CAPACITY TO LEAD. There can be many capacities, but THE ONLY CAPACITY REQUIRED FOR GENUINE AND EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IS self discovery..-the Builder

                                                                             BY: GODWIN Y. DEGBEY
                                                                                          -the Builder
Thank you for reading.....
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Friday, 22 January 2016


..........IS IT ALWAYS MONEY........???.......

Looking back to the ancient of days, nothing really corrupted more than a denari.
Leaders squabbled and messed up innocent lives, for the love of a denari.
Religious leaders overturned the message, focusing on the rich ignoring the poor for the love of a denari.
Potentials and abilities were traded, for the love of a denari.
........ And then now: it becomes worse..
I see the youth crying out loud on the streets; money,money, money..
It seems the life of everyone alive in the 21st century is centered on money.
I go to school for money, they sell poison for money..
You probably don't mind blackmailing your beloved mum for money.
Some people sell their PRICELESS SOUL for money, just as some sell their future for money(bribery)
Then comes this conclusion, If I'm alive for money and there are many ways of making it, why then delay? it's ALL ABOUT MONEY......... But, SHOULD IT BE SO?

The world is in your hands now, are you that one man?
                                                                                              By: Godwin Yao Degbey
                                                                                                       (the BUILDER)

Thursday, 7 January 2016


**the builders message**    Special article for all......
Preamble: Your dream is your VISION, your VISION is your life signature THAT PROVES YOUR EXISTENCE..-the builder

You are not him or her, neither are you me nor them. You are You, made in the image and after the likeness of God Almighty.
You are destined to attain higher heights if only you believe and take actions. You are with a UNIQUE POTENTIAL and special gift meant for you ALONE.
Your dream is like a vision, a vision that puts you on a mission. A mission that proves indeed, you are the salt of the earth. A mission to release your potential and maximize it to the fullest.
A mission to serve humanity and be who you are born to be.
You don't have to compromise and follow the status-quo.
Your dream is your goal for life which has a DEADLINE.
Your dream is what burdens you and makes you sleepless, because:
>>Your dream requires you to be determined and to persevere in all circumstances.
>>Your dream requires you to nature it and solve problems around you.
>>Your dream requires you to stay humble and be obedient.
Your dream makes you a BUILDER, if only you live it based on biblical principles:
•You build men with your dream
•You build a family with your dream
•You build a nation with your dream
•You build an entire generation with your dream
All what you need to do is to:
√ Sit up and be focused in life
√ Make plans and schedule your priorities
√ Believe and trust God
√ Take actions and embrace every opportunity
So always ask yourself, "what am I doing today that will improve my life tomorrow?" And always remember that,"Knowing is not enough, you must apply".
You either remain humble, determined and persevere to live your dream to the fullest by defying all the odds OR you choose to fall a victim of circumstance.
It's your life ; it's your free will. CHOOSE WISELY!!!

                                                                                  BY: GODWIN YAO DEGBEY
                                                                                                         [the builder]
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Page: the builders FORUM
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Friday, 1 January 2016

What you need to know today

We came, we observed and realized indeed, 'the world SUFFERS not cos of the evil of wicked people but cos of the silence and inactions of the Good souls'... Its not worth it to give up on who you are simply because no ONE does what you do.. YOU  must always do you, cos the world needs what you got.. The fact that its not known now does not mean IT WOULD NOT BE REALIZED... - the Builder