PREAMBLE: Your success and failure is not dependant on any earthly government. Be it leaders, institutions, etc. Your future is inside of you. Always remember, “A forest is always stuck inside a seed, not outside it”. You only need to put the seed in its right environment(SOIL); likewise you; what you need is not a “GOVERNMENT intervention, BUT HEAVENLY INTERVENTION”, you need the PRESENCE OF GOD TO BE FRUITFUL..!!
As I walk up and down the streets, to and from work every day; I realise there are so many INNOCENT people on the street that really need HOPE. They walk the streets totally disturbed, distressed and not knowing where to start from or where to continue their broken but patched lives. Coupled with the current economic hardships in the country, most people have already given up in life and others are still contemplating quitting their dreams, careers, plans, business plans, etc. I hear rumours of people committing suicide, I see people doing things they never would have done just to survive.
These are the times where these popular sayings come to play, “survival of the fittest”, “as the going gets tough, only the tough people will last”. But my question is, “how tough are you?” “What is the source of your toughness?” is it money? Is it your pride or your pain? Or better still it is your SENSE OF PURPOSE? This is also the era where people blame the governments, the institutions and other leaders for their failures and setbacks in life.
But you see; I blame only one person. YES, only one person I do blame. I blame no one else but YOU. YES! I MEAN YOU… Why should you wait for the government (earthly government) to dictate your future for you? Why should you allow the worst economic crises ever to cause your setbacks and to limit your achievements?
Your success and failure is not dependant on any earthly government. Be it leaders, institutions, etc. Your future is inside of you. Always remember, “A forest is always stuck inside a seed, not outside it”. You only need to put the seed in its right environment; likewise you; what you need is not a “GOVERNMENT intervention, BUT HEAVENLY INTERVENTION”, you need the PRESENCE OF GOD!! Have you forgotten the numerous promises GOD made to you? Have you forgotten all the provisions he made for your success in life? GOD is waiting for you to TAP into his presence by FAITH and claim for yourself what he has promised concerning your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Forget about the crises, forget about your financial status, and forget about you not having any link or connection and FORGE FORWARD WITH GOD by your side. He is all you need to be who you are born to be (Matthew 6:33)..!!
But hear this dear one; the fact that you have GOD and that he is fighting for you, does not mean you should sit idle and continue having fun just like the people of the world do. Children of God in today’s world always say, “Give it to God and go to sleep”. It does not work that way lovely folks. God put you on this earth so he could use you as a vessel to manifest here on earth what is in heaven (The Lord’s Prayer). So he needs your services, he needs you to be active not passive. This is why you cannot sleep; you have to be awake for GOD. He needs you to claim the blessings he has for you. ARE YOU WORRIED OF HOW TO CLAIM YOUR BLESSINGS? ALL YOU NEED IS A VISION!! GET A VISION FOR YOUR LIFE. A VISION THAT PUTS YOU ON A MISIION IN LIFE, A MISSION YOU MUST ACCOMPLISH, A MISSION THAT KEEPS YOU FOCUSED IN LIFE. Then you will have NO reason to fear or to compromise your future for anything. YOU ARE BORN GREAT, YOU ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION, SO PROVE TO THE WORLD HOW SUCCEESFUL IT IS TO BE A CHILD OF GOD….
BY: Godwin Y. Degbey
(The builder)
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